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Gary's Clean Water Projects - All For Villages
BURMESE UNIFIED LEARNING CENTER (SCHOOL), Khuk Khak, Thailand, was built by Federation for Education and Development (FED) and funding from Japan

It was brought to our attention that a school had been built in Khuk Khak specifically for the local Burmese children, combining the existing five learning centers into one.

The new school is home to more than 400 children aged from 3 years old to 17 years old.  The school offers all the subjects necessary for the children to complete an equivalent education to a Thai student in a Thai School.

With Gary’s expertise and knowledge, we have developed an affordable water system that will incorporate all the needs of the school;  without the need for expensive pump systems.

What we are providing:

First tank installed

First tank installed

  • Water for the toilets and hand washing; previously they had to carry the water to the toilets in buckets.
  • Water for all the shade trees they have planted as well as a vegetable garden which provides fresh vegetables for the children at lunchtime
  • Water storage tanks and a guttering system to take advantage of the large amount of rainfall experienced every year here in our area.
  • Increasing the size of the pipes so the water is able to reach 10 toilets.
  • One hand dug well for outdoor watering
September 2015, project near completion.

Gary Soden, one of our founders, consulted with Mark Del Greco, Development Director for FEC, regarding drilling companies and best locations for a deep well which our small organization could not do. Now both wells are producing satisfactorily. Gary and Mark have just made the plans for a water distribution system including a large play area, shade trees and fruit and vegetable gardens. We’re excited to see this all coming together! We are happy to report that the American School of The Hague (ASH) has agreed to fund the installation of this system.

Gary, Mark & Htoo Chit at the new hand dug well

Gary, Mark & Htoo Chit at the new hand dug well


Kids brush their teeth everyday after lunch

Kids brush their teeth everyday after lunch









Providing Clean Water for the Moken Village on Koh Payam

Gary and Amanda frequently visit us here when in Thailand.  It was brought to Gary’s attention that their well had no cover and they were using old fuel drums attached to a rope to retrieve water.  Meaning !!!!   —-  CONTAMINATION.

The well was first repaired in January, 2015.  It was sealed and a hand pump attached, preventing future contamination and an easier way to draw water.

The pipe needed lengthening so Gary and Amanda returned in March this year.  The local men dug out the well, a longer pipe was put down ensuring even water during the low season.  Everyone helped and we are very grateful to Mark from FED who joined us and Phillip from the Village who was there to support and translate when needed.

Another great team effort thankyou everyone

Another great team effort thankyou everyone

Even the kids were helping

Even the kids were helping