FARVet Visit – Free Spay / Neuter Program in Takua pa & Koh Phayam
In July this year, All for Villages hosted Dr. Paul Maza and his team from Cornell University for 8 days to perform a free spay and neuter program in Takua pa and Koh Phayam.
This was their first time bringing their program to Thailand. They were so impressed with the overwhelming community support they have decided to make this an annual event commencing 2017 !!!!
The weather was sometimes against us, transport was limited and often electricity supply was disrupted on Koh Phayam. However, the team worked over 8 hours tirelessly each day providing sterilizations for both dogs and cats as well as some emergency surgery.
Over 145 animals were treated during the visit, mostly street and beach dogs.
This visit would not have been possible without the incredible support we received from the following individuals and organisations:
In Takua pa
- Kuhn Taan & Kuhn Patty from www.thailifehomestay.com for accommodation as well organising the two temple clinics that they volunteered at.
- Kuhn Nai from Green Andaman Travel for FREE transport from Baan Nam Khem to Ranong
- Kuhn Bill who accompanied the group and provided translation for local people including the monks
- Kuhn Sawonee for donating her time in Takua pa
- Amanda & Gary who cordinated the visit in Takua pa, welcomed the team and provided vital information so the visit would be a complete success.
On Koh Phayam
- Kuhn Paul & Kuhn Pearl from providing FREE accommodation at P.P, Land for the team
- Kuhn Charlie for providing transport (through pouring rain) to and from the operating site
- Kuhn Geir & Kuhn Joy for providing a FREE farewell dinner at Hell’s Bell’s Bar
- Kuhn Fan from Fan’s Restaurant & Kuhn Yord from Lazy Hut for FREE lunches for the team as well as other volunteers
- Kuhn Chiyoko for driving the tractor to pick up stray beach dogs
- To all the volunteers who attended each day and helped with recovery of the animals
- Kuhn Joy who organised 100 FREE rabies vaccines from Dept. Agriculture in Ranong
Finally, this visit would not have happened without Ms. Chantal Croteau, who connected FARVet with All for Villages.