Koh Payam Life
- Coming home from school to the Moken Village on Koh Payam
- George as Taxi for Gary to the village
- Local Sea Gypsy Family
- Helping our a very local family.
- Only way to reach the sea gypsy village on Koh Payam
- Delivery of kayaks donated by Kylie & Kahu
- Taking children home from school on Koh Payam
- Catch me if you can
- The biggest kid would be our dear friend Patterson
- Happy Moken kids
- The smiles tell the story
- This is how we got all the equipment, people and materials there !!! amazing job guys
- The climbing frame in Moken Village
- Lily & Jill preparing lunch for all of us as well as the kids
- kuhn Tard, the craftsman of these beautiful Kabangs, Moken Longtail Boat
- Such smiles and love
- Hanging out at Island Learning Tree
- Ing with her daughter, Meena. She also is employed now to cook 4 days a week for the kids..
- Grandma amazing !!
- Tiny taking care
- Newborn Moken Baby
- The learning space in the Moken Sea Gypsy Village
- Moken is a very playful culture
- Kabangs coming into the pier to shell fish
- Transporting the kids from Learning Tree back to their village
- Handmade jewelry from the Moken community for sale
- Amanda visiting the Sea Gypsy kids on Koh Payam
- Playtime
- Gary & Amanda helping out at the Cashew Nut Festival on Koh Payam
- Cheeky
- Kru Or from RCF in Khao Lak volunteers with us doing reading and art
- Hanging out with the kids is always fun